Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snow Day

Happy Snow Day!
Thanks to Blizzard Juno in the North East, my school cancelled all classes for today and tomorrow! The City of Providence has even put a travel ban out so no one can be on the roads until they are safe enough to drive on. So what does that mean? Netflix and food all day. Here's a list of things to stock up on for bad weather and a list of idea to do if you run out of movies to watch.

What to stock up on:

  • Water - if you are not on city water
  • Non perishable snacks - especially if your power goes out), so things like: bread, peanut butter, goldfish, crackers, etc
  • Warm clothes and blankets - incase your heat gets turned off
  • First aid kit
  • Wine - if you're of age!! (or not)
Things to do if you get bored:
  • Play games. Whether it be Twister, card games, Yahtzee, Monopoly... I promise you'll have fun with your friends and the time will go by fast. 
  • Explore. If it's not too dangerous outside, I recommend taking a walk or a drive around the town and see what damage Mother Nature has been done. My roommate and I took a walk through the snow earlier today and it was actually fun, despite my eyelashes freeing (tip: don't wear non-waterproof mascara out in a blizzard-- it will get all over your face)
  • Watch some more movies
  • Read a favorite book
  • DIY crafts

To all those who are warm and can drive, have fun! & To all those who are stuck inside like me, hopefully this post helped!
Till next time

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